Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Recently Painted

Finished up some more figures I have been working on tonight-- some Necromunda figures and Pulp Figures U.S. Rocket Corps. I have also decided that I detest miniature photography more than anything else on the planet. I couldn't take a decent picture to save my life.

First up are some Necromunda figures I received in the process of trading up for the Warhammer: Legends of the Old West. Well, I admit it, I cheated on this after finding a cheapish copy on eBay. I don't know what I'll do with these figures. I've never liked the Goliaths...until I started painting them. These are really cool figures! Plus, they have the best eyes I have ever painted ever. When I sat down, it had been so long since I'd painted eyes, I couldn't even remember how I used to do it. Then the magic happened-- all in proportion, all fixed in the same direction, only a little touch up.

To Dr. Methuselah's Chronozeppelin-- and beyond! I've had most of these Rocket Corpsmen painted for a while now, but just got around to getting the last four off the painting table.

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